Brother-in-Law Material Oopsies

Hello lovelies! If you bought or borrowed Brother-in-Law Material from 7/16/21 – 7/18/21, you may have noticed that the book you got was … not Luke and Kendall’s book. I was updating the back matter with some pertinent links when my brain did an oopsie and instead caused me to upload the un-proofed manuscript of my upcoming release, Not For Sale.
What does this mean? Well, if you borrowed this book on Kindle Unlimited, you can now return it and hopefully re-borrow the correct book.
If, however, you bought your own copy of Brother-in-Law Material (which, thank you so much, you’re lovely and I love you) and did not get the correct book, you will need to update your Kindle book version.
Hopefully those of you who did catch Not For Sale enjoyed it! Interested in reading Not For Sale but didn’t get the extra-oops sneak peek? You can pre-order it on Amazon and have it sent straight to your kindles on July 29th, or wait till release date to borrow it via Kindle Unlimited.
So sorry for the mix-up! If, for whatever reason, you bought a copy of Brother-in-Law Material but was not able to get the update file via Amazon, please email my PA at and she will help you get it sorted. Thanks so much for your understanding, and happy reading!!
Love, Crystal